Steam Explosion Treatment

Last updated: 10 Jul 2021  |  4845 Views  | 

Steam Explosion Treatment

           In 1925 Steam Explosion Treatment was applied for preparing wood fiber or the object that comprise of cellulose, this was a typical process to produce hardboard. In the process, wood chip or the object similar wood that comprise of cellulose would be blown off under high steam pressure up to 69 kgf/cm2 and temperature 285 C. The processed wood chip was instantly released from a reactor become fiber that was shreded and broken. The outcome was shapeless mass of pulp.

       Steam Explosion Treatment is mechanical process combine thermal process  that has more benefit than the conventional chemical process.Steam treament has seperated the  plant components better and more complete which take any plant components to use in widely purposes. Steam Explosion is also eco-friendly manufacturing process. 

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