Mine reclamation

Last updated: 20 Feb 2021  |  3061 Views  | 

Mine reclamation

        BANPU Public Company Limited had operated Open Pit Mining of lignite in Amphoe Li, Lamphun in 1987-1995 and 2003-2004. Over four million tons of lignite were produced and the displacement large volume of soil and rock approximately 22.45 million tons. So, two mine pits has been open on vast area 1.0x0.9 square kilometer and 0.2x0.2 square kilometer. The process of restoring mine and working on active mine had accompanied until mine completed.  
        A picture shows area of BP-2 pit that contain fresh water around 4.66 million cubic meter and the depth is up to 30 meters. Currently, mine reclamation is completed. Soil condition and water quality are treated for consuming but not edible. The treatment process had worked on Active Treatment and Passive Treatment such Successive Alkalinity Producing (SAP). Although, this area needn’t return to municipal, the company attends to restore the land for sustainable development and become a landmark of eco-tourism. The company selects bamboo which has multi purposes, all part of bamboo can use for food and furniture. Moreover, waste of bamboo could produce charcoal for fuelling. As the project to revive the land and making stretch of green belt, this area would be one of the most beautiful vista points to watch sunset and twilight sky painting show in Amphoe Li, Lamphun.  Let’s explore and camping in upcoming future.    

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