Last updated: 10 Jul 2021 | 2808 Views |
Cannabis is genus of Hemp and Marijuana. Mostly species of Cannabis are widely Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis rudealis. Cannabis sativa is normally species in Thailand that well-growth in tropical weather. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) play as two significant chemical components in Hemp and Marijuana. THC less than 0.3% of Hemp could not affect nerve system, whereas THC 5-20% in Marijuana could affect nerve system causing dizzy and doped. So, Marijuana is categorized as Narcotic.
Some research issues CBD can remedy several conditions of disease, for instance muscle pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Epilepsy, Myasthenia Gravis, Parkinson, to alleviate depression, nervousness, Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Entrepreneurs in the US have various utilization forms of Hemp. Hemp tree can produce more fiber than Marijuana up to 20%. Hemp fiber is high quality and hold strength double of cotton fiber. They are suitable transforming to rope, paper pulp, and apparel. Moreover, Hemp seeds produce high protein more than soy. Therefore, there is the research of processed Hemp seed to substitute soy product.
Surprisingly good Omega-3 from Hemp seed is common type of Omega-3 in Fish oil. The United State organizes exhibition called Noco Hemp Expo every year. The Expo presents various Hemp products such fashion, soap, scrub, food, and packaging made from Hemp.
Obviously, CBD from Hemp is not only used in small business, Barneys renowned department store in Beverly Hill, California opens luxury brand “The High End” that all products made from Marijuana. While Carl’s Jr. sells cannabis burger in one store in Denver, Colorado. Moreover, large company such Coca-Cola join Aurora Cannabis in Canada to produce CBD drink. Starbuck might open new drink mix CBD. Mondelez, manufacturer of Oreo and Chips Ahoy is considering to mix CBD in cookies. CBD from Hemp tends to penetrate into several products in US market.